Prior to dealing extensively with Delta Hydraulics, Sloanebuilt took the industry’s word on the Delhoist product.
“I’d say they’ve got a stronger hoist and they’ve got some more technical features that will give it longer longevity, and that’s what I found when I went to research them,” Fred says. “Everybody that had been associated with Delhoist always said the same thing – that they were highly consistent, highly reliable and show greater industry longevity.”
For Sloanebuilt, Delta Hydraulics fulfilled its needs and has been consistent in doing so moving forward. It’s why Fred established a long-term relationship with Delta Hydraulics and its founder and Managing Director, John White, and why Sloanebuilt is able to sell such reliable and durable tipper trailers to the transport industry.
“They’ve been excellent in our applications,” Fred says. “They are made of a higher standard to a higher quality. Admittedly, we’re excellence and quality driven, not price driven, although we have got to buy components that are commercially acceptable to the marketplace. With our product, we’re prepared to fit the superior product in our equipment to enable a greater resale value now and well into the future.
“Operators trust us as the manufacturer to fit the highest quality product into the equipment they’re buying from us. We have that level of trust with our customers, and we go through rigorous testing and research before we align with the supplier. We do that on a regular week-by-week basis on how the product is fitting into the manufacturing process, warranty, quality of workmanship, rework, how it applies and how it works.
“The customer leaves it to our judgement to fit the best products in for what they’re paying for. So, if they get charged a bit more, they understand that, but they also understand that they’re getting a premium Australian-made hoist – which I know a lot of customers are going to that flavour.”