While we know what we are talking about to design, engineer, and build a trailer, input from you, our customer, could take your trailer to the next level. Whether its things to add, take off, modify, or swap with alternatives. Our customers are the ones who know what needs to be added or changed on their trailer to make the day-to-day tasks simpler, safer, quicker and more cost effective specific to their business or industry.

Why go for the cookie cutter approach if it’s just not suitable for what you need?

If the standard run of the mill design is not what suits your businesses needs, give us a call and have a chat so we can start working together to get your custom collaboration from an idea and pipedream into a reality.

Greg Kirk Earthmoving

                    Greg Kirk came to us with his own drawing and design of  the idea of running a pair of gooseneck dollies, which he believed would suit his application better than his current set up.

Traditionally he says, whilst a rigid and two dog trailers are cheaper to set up, they don't fair well on the road out west. The set he ended up creating at Sloanebuilt faired a little heavier than his rigid and two dog set up due to the chassis tipper in the middle of the combination, despite this his payload was estimated at about 88 tonnes.

Greg Kirk built what he calls 'a hamburger with the lot' including double lift axles on all tri-axle groups and air inflation systems.

Greg Kirk is a great example of how your own design can be turned into a reality with the help of our team here at Sloanebuilt.

See Greg's story here:
Part One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIqIbg8HnMY
Part Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4CQuFKEY4g
Part Three: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pLlAgsKjoA

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